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Prayer Times
07 February, 2025
Prayer | Adhaan | Iqamah |
Fajr | 06:08 AM | 06:30 AM |
Sunrise | 07:17 AM | |
Dhuhr | 12:41 PM | 02:00 PM |
Asr | 03:42 PM | 04:45 PM |
Maghrib | 06:05 PM | 10 min + |
Isha | 07:14 PM | 08:00 PM |
Jumuah | Khateeb | Khutba |
1st Jumuah | Khateeb 1 | 12:45 PM |
2nd Jumuah | Khateeb 2 | 01:35 PM |
3rd Jumuah | Khateeb 3 | 02:25 PM |
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Our Services

Nikah Services
The McKinney Islamic Association (MIA) offers Nikah services to Muslims wishing to marry.

Janaza Prayers
MIA offers Janaza Prayer services, please connect with the admin for more info.

Financial Aid
Recognizing the challenges you’re facing, we are committed to assisting you, InshaAllah. Please connect with admin for more info.

Request Dua’s
Our Religious authorities and elders in the community consistently make dua’s for the community, if you have any additional requests please let us know.

New to Mckinney
We welcome the new members to our community. Submit Your info and let’s connect.